of specialized
heat transfer equipment



About Us

AIMTEK Company, established in 2011, specializes in the manufacture and design of heat-exchange equipment. The company’s products are successfully used throughout Russia, in CIS countries and worldwide. 

The employees of the company will help you solve heat exchange related problems. Our knowledge and expertise are supported by extensive work experience at special-purpose companies of the Ural Region. Our specialists are ready to consult you on various issues concerning selection of the required equipment.

The company performs the following types of activity:

1. ОКВЭД Code - 29.23.1    “Manufacture of Heat Exchangers, Industrial Refrigerating Equipment and Air-conditioning Equipment; Manufacture of Gas Filtration and Purification Equipment".

2. ОКВЭД Code - 28.22.1 “Manufacture of Radiators”.

3. ОКВЭД Code - 28.52 “Processing Metalware Using the Main Engineering Processes”.

Company’s Goal:

    Design and manufacture of highly efficient of energy-saving heat exchangers and devices.

    Our work is aimed at the research and creation of the most efficient and reliable solutions of the industry-specific problems.

Company’s Task – to become a reliable and long-standing partner for each our client.


We are delighted to welcome you at our website and hope for cooperation. 

Our company is ready to become your reliable partner.  

The Сompany’s goal is design and manufacture of highly efficient energy-saving heat exchangers and heat transfer units.

Should you have any tasks or take interest in our ideas, we are ready to offer our solutions to you.


Heat exchanger is a device designed for heat (power) transfer from one medium to another with a lower temperature. Hot heat transfer fluid (HTF), while moving along heat exchange channels, provides the colder separating plate with some of heat current and leaves the bay in a considerably much colder condition. Cold HTF, while moving along heat exchange channels, is heated from the hotter separating plate and leaves the bay in a considerably hotter condition, with an additional heat current. The complete heat transfer process from the hot HTF to the cold HTF is called heat transfer.

 In stationary steam turbine plants oil is cooled in heat exchangers called oil coolers. The oil coolers of steam turbine plants and turbines are devices intended for oil cooling with water. The main functions of oil used in the steam turbine plants of electric power stations: friction surface wear protection, reduction of friction power losses, heat transfer emitted as a result of friction, generator shaft sealing, corrosion prevention, transfer and movement of the executive mechanisms of the turbine control and protection system.

小心和有效利用能源资源的地球是一个全世界主要的问题。 俄罗斯与它的气候条件,这是问题的第1号。 在增加生产、创造能力的加强方面的目前使用的热交换器了 建立高效率的和契约热交换器能够提供节约能源、燃料经济、材料和劳动费用。
重要的作用,解决这一问题中发挥有采用新的方法加强传热设计和制造的热转让的设备。 热交换器是一个重要的金属部分的所有电厂。 他广泛使用,在能源、化学业、炼油、冶金、粮食业和许多其他部门。 例如,在石油化工厂总数大规模的热交换器是大约40%的总重量的所有加工设备。 经验研究、生产、运行的各种热交换器表明,采用的方法加热转移导致了降低的方面和金属的消费量,这些装置和一个半至两倍或更多(而与类似的手段),而且还能大幅度降低的过程中的堵塞和盐的形成。 这极大地减少了业务费用的增长服务寿命的提高可靠性的热交换器了

该公司 "AИMTEК"(技术解决办法)正在研究领域加强热交换的过程,开发技术的应用方法加强在制造传热设备。 主要活动的公司"AIMTEK"--研究、设计和制造的热交换器,为电力工程工业。 连续产品的公司分由以下方面:

1. 能源


2. 电子工程




3. 液压系统

